Macro para aplicar Formato Negrita, Cursiva, Subrayado, Subrayado Doble a determinadas palabras en una concatenación en Excel


Sub IB·AplicarFormato()
Dim R As Range, B As Range, C As Range, E As Variant
Dim t As String, v As Range, w As String, x As Range, y As Variant, z As Variant, I As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set R = Application.InputBox("Seleccione el rango donde se dará formato a las palabras:", "INGENIERÍA & BURÓTICA", , Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If R Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Set B = Application.InputBox("Seleccione el rango con las palabras a las que se dará formato:", "INGENIERÍA & BURÓTICA", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If B Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
E = Split(Replace(Trim(UCase(InputBox("Ingrese los códigos de formato separados por comas (N para negrita, K para cursiva, S para subrayado, D para subrayado doble):", "INGENIERÍA & BURÓTICA"))), " ", ""), ",")
y = Array("N", "K", "S", "D")
For Each z In E
If Not IsError(Application.Match(z, y, 0)) Then
Select Case z
Case "N"
For Each C In R
For Each x In B
t = x.Value
Set v = C.Cells.Find(What:=t, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not v Is Nothing Then
w = v.Address
v.Characters(Start:=InStr(1, v.Value, t), Length:=Len(t)).Font.Bold = True
Set v = C.Cells.FindNext(v)
Loop While Not v Is Nothing And v.Address <> w
End If
Next x
Next C
Case "K"
For Each C In R
For Each x In B
t = x.Value
Set v = C.Cells.Find(What:=t, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not v Is Nothing Then
w = v.Address
v.Characters(Start:=InStr(1, v.Value, t), Length:=Len(t)).Font.Italic = True
Set v = C.Cells.FindNext(v)
Loop While Not v Is Nothing And v.Address <> w
End If
Next x
Next C
Case "S"
For Each C In R
For Each x In B
t = x.Value
Set v = C.Cells.Find(What:=t, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not v Is Nothing Then
w = v.Address
v.Characters(Start:=InStr(1, v.Value, t), Length:=Len(t)).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
Set v = C.Cells.FindNext(v)
Loop While Not v Is Nothing And v.Address <> w
End If
Next x
Next C
Case "D"
For Each C In R
For Each x In B
t = x.Value
Set v = C.Cells.Find(What:=t, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not v Is Nothing Then
w = v.Address
v.Characters(Start:=InStr(1, v.Value, t), Length:=Len(t)).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble
Set v = C.Cells.FindNext(v)
Loop While Not v Is Nothing And v.Address <> w
End If
Next x
Next C
End Select
End If
Next z
MsgBox "Formato de palabras completado.", , "INGENIERÍA & BURÓTICA"
End Sub
