Extraer Letras y/o Números de valores alfanuméricos en Excel
Código Function IB·ExtraerLetraNumero(Texto As String, Optional ByVal Ingrese1paraObtenerLosNumeros As String = "0") As String Dim x As String, I As Integer, c As Integer For I = 1 To Len(Texto) c = Asc(Mid(Texto, I, 1)) If Ingrese1paraObtenerLosNumeros = "1" Then If c >= 48 And c <= 57 Then x = x & Mid(Texto, I, 1) End If Else Select Case c Case 193, 201, 205, 211, 218, 209, 225, 233, 237, 243, 250, 241 x = x & Mid(Texto, I, 1) Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122 x = x & Chr(c) End Select End If Next I IB·ExtraerLetraNumero = x End Function